Feeling safe and promoting development: The advantages of baby slings
The baby feels safe when it is very close to mom or dad. The familiar feeling that it already knows from the womb helps it to grow gently into the new world. Carrying promotes trust and strengthens the bond between parent and child. Warmth and movement ensure a pleasant feeling of well-being.
At the same time, the baby's muscles and spine are trained and its sense of balance develops further. Babies who are carried are often calmer because they can participate actively in family life from a protected perspective. In a sling, the baby always adopts a healthy posture: the legs are slightly spread and bent (the so-called "spread-squat position"), while the back retains a natural curve. This position corresponds to the position in the womb, and it is only in the first year of life that the spine gradually straightens.
Proper carrying promotes the healthy physical development of the baby, especially the development of the spine and hips.
Carrying it is also very practical in everyday life - both hands are free, whether for siblings or everyday tasks. Obstacles such as stairs, getting on the bus or even hiking trails are much easier to overcome.
Instructions, lengths and tying methods for the sling
The baby sling is a versatile companion that can be used from birth to toddlerhood and can always be individually adjusted.
You can carry your baby in different ways with the sling: in front of your stomach, on your back or on your hip. A correctly tied sling ensures that your baby's back remains rounded (especially in the first few months) and that it adopts a healthy, ergonomic posture. The marked middle of the sling, different colored edges and diagonally cut ends make it easier to tie correctly. With a little practice and perhaps the help of a second person at the beginning, you will quickly become confident in tying and the sling will become an indispensable part of your everyday life.
There are different lengths of the sling depending on how it is being worn. A length of 4.6 m is suitable for many different ways of tying it and is usually suitable if both mom and dad want to use the sling. The Storchenwiege baby sling comes with detailed instructions that give you further tips and important information on handling and safe carrying. Always make sure that the sling is tied tightly and that you feel safe when carrying it.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us by phone or email - or simply use our baby sling FAQs for more information about baby slings.